Thank you, Jane, for that very honest answer.
Louise, what a joy and a pleasure to see you here again in this capacity after our time together on Equal Voice. I want to congratulate you on your book. The review I saw said that your style is “earnest and academic” with “tantalizing glimpses” into the life of pursuing political office for women.
I'll use some quotes from the review by Rosemary Speirs, who of course was the founder of Equal Voice:
Others, including many party recruiters, suggest women themselves are opting out of a game they perceive as too rough. “We seem to eat our own women alive in this country,” said a former party insider whom Carbert interviewed.
It also states:
We know from anecdotal evidence across Canada that...high-profile incidents [have] a...depressing effect on aspiring women.
Have particular incidents of publicly ostracizing women in politics perpetuated the fears of women wanting to run for office, in your opinion?