Thank you.
Given our time, I think that's it for our questions. I have a couple of things to go over just before we finish.
Thank you to all the witnesses, both via video conference and for being here today to share your knowledge and testimony with us. It will be most helpful as we move forward.
Committee, our next meeting is on Thursday, June 14. We're continuing our study on the barriers facing women in politics. Ms. Malcolmson will be chairing the first hour, and I'll be chairing the second hour. Our chair won't be here on Thursday.
I would remind you to think about the email and a letter received from the chairman of the House Committee on Women in Parliament of the National Assembly, Nigeria, so that we can make a decision at the next meeting under committee business.
Do you want me to go through all the witnesses? For the next meeting, our witnesses are the Honourable Deborah Grey, a former MP. We have two witnesses from the Groupe Femmes, Politique et Démocratie, Madame Esther Lapointe and Madame Thérèse Mailloux; the Honourable Joanne Bernard, former minister from Nova Scotia; Jenelle Saskiw, former councillor and mayor of Marwayne, Alberta; and Karen Sorensen, the mayor of Banff.
With that, we are adjourned.