Yes, I was here a long time ago, from 1989 until 2004. You might think that was way long ago. It is way long ago, but I had the best woman campaign manager. I would set her against anybody and be scared of her. She was tremendous.
I think that if you have that confidence.... You said that it was easy. I can assure you it wasn't easy all the time. Lots of times it's very difficult, here especially.
I have to say, I sat in the House with Mary Clancy forever. She was vicious to me. Could I say that again? Women are vicious to other women. I liked Mary. I had no problem with her. I sat with Alexa from there, but boy, I'll tell you, girl fights are ugly.
I want the best people for the job, whether they're running my campaign or whatever. I pretty well don't see whether they're male or female, or say that I want a woman here or a man there. I think women are coming forward more. Again, I want them to be capable. We say that men will run the show a lot of the time. What I find is—