If I could just add to that, I think one of the things that I ideally would like to achieve as champion is to create an environment where there are in fact multiple champions across the organization.
Fraser was talking a bit about the training and the mandatory training and so on, and I think that's important and great, but we also develop opportunities for learning—for instance, in celebration of GBA+ awareness week—that are very hands-on and allow the use of case studies and are very interactive.
A very critical point has been made here a couple of times. Being able to show a difference that has been made through the application of a GBA+ analysis is really critical. It's important to have that opportunity to sit down with analysts and talk through the difference it made, and almost to do the counterfactual sometimes. For example, “This is where we ended up, and if we hadn't done the GBA+ analysis, this is where we would have ended up, and this is why it would have been unfortunate and ineffective.”
Again, I think for a lot of people the proof is in the pudding. If you can have those conversations about cases in which it obviously made a difference and you can have that conversation about real-life application of the thinking and the analysis, it makes a huge difference. Then you have people who are believers, so to speak, out in the system, who can then disseminate it further.