Thank you to both of our witnesses today.
Professor O'Neill, you can see the uncomfortableness when we start to talk about quotas. People have a hard time discussing it and getting into it a little more, and I think we can all relate to what some of that uncomfortableness is. I did appreciate your flipping it and asking why we don't look at the ceiling on men's overrepresentation. I do think that helps us move a little off that, where we're feeling comfortable that it is focused on that.
Your comment was that if we don't do something drastic, it'll be a long time.... Maybe you can expand on that a little more. Why would it change by not.... We've heard around the table here that there is a critical mass that needs to be in a parliament or a legislative body for women to feel and see that as a place that is for them as well. I thought you might want to share a bit more around quotas and why they're important or could make a difference, sooner rather than later.