Again, it comes down to working directly with the community, working directly with the individuals, understanding their unique needs and providing services, supports and housing that are safe to them.
For example, when you look at the homeless system and youth homelessness in particular, about 50% of homeless youth are homeless because they're LGBTQ and they've had some conflict with their families, but they don't have much by way of tailored services available to them.
Also, we find that people who don't conform to the gender binary, male-female, who may be trans or whatever, can't access services in either one of these systems. They're really dealing with multiple exclusions that make their lives very difficult. If I were to wave a magic wand, or if I could figure out a solution, it really comes down to having, and ensuring we have, tailored services, tailored housing and supports for these populations that are responsive to unique and individual needs.