I just think it quite simply tells everyone what's important in that what you measure is what becomes important in an organization. The fact that senior management, our deputy ministers, indicated that this is something all employees should do, must do, as part of becoming an employee in our department, right away sends a signal as to what's expected in the standard of work and the kind of rigour expected in the work.
What that does is it sets them up to actually then ask the question when they're working on a proposal, to talk to the experts in my group, to get involved early, to ask if there is data available that can help them. Often they wish to, but they need the resources, and that's where we can help. It really puts it front and centre.
We do a lot of other things that are mandatory. We make sure we do a security check. We make sure they have the language profile. We do a lot of other musts, and this has now also become a must.