I will answer the second question you posed, which is about what we will be doing next. I don't think this is something we can declare “work complete”. That was where I was talking about the two measures we are studying right now. Getting people like this fine lady here who is pointing out the questionnaire through my notes, people who are trained to her level of skill about this in the sectors, in the work areas, spreading the focal points.... I think my colleague from NRCan also mentioned that.
I can quote to you some of the questions: “What sources of information or evidence did you review in your assessment of possible gender considerations?”—and then you have to check gender-disaggregated data, academic sources, government reports, or non-academic work. Another question is, “Does the initiative improve the situation for all, or does it impact diverse groups of men or women differently, positively or negatively?” Yes or no, and if so, explain.
It is with this sort of diving into the question that this questionnaire makes you do the homework. Coming back and saying, “Well, we didn't do it” is now not an option. It has be shown that we have done that homework in the department on all the measures that come forward.