That is part of it. We're doing well, but it also helps, too, when you receive capital grant funding. That cuts the bank and the interest rates out, and that's where a large part of the money is. If we're able to build something and then turn around and have a grant that accomplishes that, we're able to recycle that money. That money doesn't get lost in operational funding; it can be recycled again and again as we grow our portfolio.
In everything we do there is a surplus. It doesn't have to be a drastic surplus, but there is a surplus that will help meet even maintenance costs, the consumable items. Any time a good deal comes along, we work at it. Definitely our real estate market here is a little different from those in other places of the country, but at the same time, there are businesses that are really willing if they can realize something that comes from it, for example, the condo. The guy needed to finish his complex. I helped him out, he helped me out, and it was of mutual benefit to both of us.