The definition of poverty in this slide is the MBM, the market basket measure. This is a basket of goods and services that you require to meet your basic needs and achieve a modest standard of living. If you are below a certain threshold, then you're considered to be under the poverty line.
This was developed recently. Essentially, the threshold varies from region to region, so it takes into consideration variations in the cost of living across the country. The basket of goods itself includes things such healthy food, appropriate shelter, home maintenance, clothing and transportation, as well as other goods and services that permit engagement in a community. As you can see, it's a number of items. It's a fairly complicated measure in terms of how it's calculated, but it's fairly simple to understand. I can give you an example: For a family of one, it's slightly above $20,000. That's the amount of money that's considered the minimum to meet the poverty line.
This measure will be reviewed in the future. The idea of the MBM is that it's not constant. It's not fixed in time, so it will be reviewed over subsequent years to see if it continues to.... Essentially, it will be changing over time. I can give you more information about it, should you require it.