The best solution is to discuss this with your physician, and/or go directly to an audiologist physician who would refer to a hearing instrument practitioner. These professionals are trained in helping individuals to understand their own situation and how it impacts their lives, and guiding them through the process of selection of solutions.
It's best to go to a professional who is trained in these behaviours. You don't really have access to go directly to a manufacturer in Canada. There are some direct-to-consumer devices that are starting to show up on the Internet that are claiming to be cheap solutions and so on. This has been a challenging debate in the industry, of course. It's more than just people in the industry trying to protect their services and technical device sales. It's really about being sure that consumers have the available devices that they need and that are safe for them.
There's a great debate in the FDA south of the border about these issues, and nothing has been passed there yet.