I would love to continue, thank you. It continues:
Please also review the areas of Open and Accountable Government that we have expanded or strengthened, including the guidance on non-partisan use of departmental communications resources and the new code of conduct for exempt staff.
Madam Chair, I have just read the bulk of the Prime Minister's mandate letter to the Minister of Status of Women. It would appear, then, based on that letter, that it is a good idea for the minister to come to this committee, that she be invited to come and be open and transparent, to provide us with the reflection on her department and how it has changed, and to allow us as members of the opposition, as well as members of her own government, to hold her accountable and to become more familiar with her department.
I would again submit this motion, for the third time. It is my hope that the members opposite to me will uphold the Prime Minister's own words and allow there to be accountability, allow there to be transparency, allow there to be a new tone that is brought to government.
Now, I understand that the minister is coming to this committee to talk about the estimates on March 21. I am not asking for that meeting; that is for the estimates. I am asking for the minister to come to this meeting to brief us on the change of her department. So make no mistake; this is what I am requesting. I am requesting that the minister come, that we be able to ask her questions with regard to the change that has been made in her mandate, and that we therefore would be empowered to do our job as members of this committee.