We must ensure their safety and autonomy. The major issue with seniors is that we have the impression that society infantilizes them to some extent. They're completely taken care of. Senior women don't want to be taken care of by all the other services. They want to be themselves and express themselves, and they want the means to do so.
Obviously, the needs in Vancouver and Quebec aren't the same. However, the needs are similar when it comes to ensuring the independence of senior women. They must still be able to take pride in being, living and participating in the community. This may involve performing civic duties, but also being part of a family and participating in the community.
Should we leave this desire in the hands of the government? Not necessarily. We must take responsibility for this matter together. We must ensure that senior women have a place in our society, because they're full-fledged people who have a wealth of life experience to pass on and who still have plans for the future. That's how I see things.