The main one that I have is that we really need to keep our elders at home. It is so hard when our people are down south. It is financially costly for people to come down here. When elders are down here, elders deteriorate very fast.
I'll give you an example. Let's say that somebody was at Embassy West here, and somebody was from Resolute Bay or even Rankin Inlet. Say your family member is going to pass away. We need you down here. We need a next of kin here. It's going to take days to get down here. Not only that, but weather is a factor up north. It is so sad that somebody should pass away. That's what's going to happen when people are placed down here. People cannot afford to come and be with family. The government pays for two family members to come down here to visit once a year. That, to me, is a real priority.
The other one is shelters in the community for women. There are no shelters in our communities, in the smaller communities. Those are real priorities: shelters for safety, facilities for elders—even independent living homes for elders are really important—and financial support.
Thank you.