Having financial knowledge is key first and foremost, and being involved in the finances of the home. I think many of us know that even with our own parents it was the husband who dealt with all the bills and all the finances. I think more young women today are smarter on that end of things. At the same time, if they aren't working and they don't have an income, they are relying on the finances of someone else.
I think it's really imperative, as has been said here, and Irene brought it up in the earlier conversation—I was here listening—that there be a way for stay-at-home moms to contribute more to a pension plan in some way or some sort of benefit so that if something does happen in their lives where they are a sole provider for their children and their family they are able to contribute to a pension plan that will sustain them down the road and we won't have 61% of women living below the 20% poverty line in one province alone here in Canada.