Good morning, and welcome to the 140th meeting of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women. Today's meeting is public as we continue our study of the challenges faced by senior women, with a focus on the factors contributing to their poverty and vulnerability.
For this, I am pleased to welcome, from the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, Kathy Majowski. She's right there, as you see on your monitor.
From the DisAbled Women's Network of Canada, we have Bonnie Brayton, the National Executive Director. From Egale Canada, we have Helen Kennedy, their Executive Director as well. You'll see her on video conference. From the Native Women's Association of Canada, we have Chaneesa Ryan, Director of Health, as well as Roseann Martin, Elder.
Thank you for joining us today.
I now turn the floor over to Kathy.
Kathy, you have seven minutes for your opening statement.