I think feedback groups especially in a military context are part of what is really missing. How do silos talk to each other? How does data get shared properly, and how can you get immediate feedback? When we start thinking about people, we have this political designation that the day that I retire I suddenly belong to a different department than what I did the day before, but my medical issues and requirements are exactly the same. All of a sudden I'm split within these two departments.
I may be now retired, in which case only Veterans Affairs knows what injury I have now been diagnosed with. Maybe it's an injury that very clearly other people are going to have while still in uniform. We don't have the resources and the mandates to be able to pick up those trends when they happen in VAC.
The feedback upstream is, “Hey, we're noticing you're hurting people in a way that is preventable because it's through different departments and we haven't put the extra money in to gather the data in that format and to make those bridges happen.”
We don't have to keep re-inventing wheels, which only happens in the federal government. In the provincial government, all of those feedback groups are mandated. We're missing them.