We think that collaboration between the political and administrative levels is essential. That is key for us. The fact that the process is made mandatory is critically valuable to us, because this is our main support at the beginning of the session. There is a law and the government must commit to implementing this strategy, to automatically adopt the plan. As I just said, this applies to all government ministers, including the finance and budget ministers. We are including two ministers who would be less likely to comply on their own. I would say it is a key element.
Another key element is adequately tailored awareness. We realized that rather general training did not work to make people buy in. We therefore set up specialized training tailored to different departments, with examples directly based on policies slated for integration of the gender dimension. In departments such as those dealing with employment, we work on employment topics, but for co-operation and development, we work on policy analysis and analytical grids. Talking to people who are generally responsible for policies about their own areas is fundamental.
The third key element is the development of work on gender statistics.