No, what I was referring to is a study we have that's fairly specific—and there's a risk in extrapolating—and was looking at the concurrence of substance use and abuse with suicide attempts and suicidal ideation. In that study there was information that came forward in terms of the differences between girls and boys; girls and boys in the north; and Inuit youth; and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered youth. In all cases, among the girls, there was a higher expression of suicidal ideation. There was a higher rate of attempting suicide compared to their counterparts, the mainstream population, and to the boys, but in the case of the boys there is a difference in terms of completion.
I offer that as an example in the sense that we can be driven to looking at who is committing suicide. You have to look at the whole thing in context, and there is something going on with young boys. I don't know what the answer is. I'm not a subject matter expert in that area.