You raised some very interesting points, because a few years ago we were looking at some statistics on the rates of intimate partner violence across the country, and an overwhelming majority of the locations were in rural or remote areas, not the larger urban centres or even medium urban centres that we would have anticipated as a result of the volume of people. As a result, we funded a number of projects that were specifically looking at violence in rural communities to see some of the emerging issues, some of the very peculiar challenges.
There were things we anticipated, such as issues around transportation and infrastructure and supports that were lacking, but one thing that was also a big factor was the lack of confidentiality raised by many women in not having that safety net of being able to discuss things with someone who was not their neighbour or who didn't know their entire family history. There were some interesting findings there.
I can't say that we have the solutions yet, but we are working with groups and looking at further exploring those issues through funding further projects.
That's an example of the type of work we're doing.