I heard you when you said, and others have said, that the solution was to just go offline. That reminds me of when women were told to just don't go out onto the streets, then. This is space where women have a right to be. I'm quite concerned that what we're hearing is that there isn't awareness of legislation. There's no awareness that it's illegal to send an intimate image to a third person.
This is also for the East Prince Women's Information Centre. I believe you said there are gaps in the legislation. We're hearing two things in the committee right now. We're hearing that the legislation that exists is not being enforced, that some police are not aware of it, and that a lot of young people are not aware of it. I'm interested to hear about the gaps in the legislation, as well, if there is a need to legislate further, particularly with regard to the Criminal Code and what the thresholds are for criminal harassment.
I'll put that to the East Prince Women's Information Centre first and then see what you think.