Thank you.
I want to move to a different area.
Mr. MacKay, in preparing for this I read an opinion piece you wrote for the CBC where you talked about pornography. I want to read a quote from that piece into the record, because I think it's quite striking. You wrote:
Most young men learn about sex and appropriate sexual relations not from parents, schools, peers or the church, but from hard core pornography, now readily available online.
All of us are surrounded by a pervasive sexist culture, which is sometimes more subtle, but still present. Violent video games celebrate the degradation and exploitation of women as do—to a lesser extent—many music videos and advertisements.
We don't talk about these issues of violence against women nearly enough, but we talk about pornography and violent imagery even less. For whatever reason, it's an uncomfortable discussion, but just hearing witnesses talk about this pervasive culture that starts with influences at a very young age, I'd like to hear you talk a little more about that issue specifically, and if there are things that we as legislators can do and need to be doing to respond to this particular issue.