Absolutely. Thank you very much.
Bilan and Danika, thank you both for sharing your stories, and Danika for your very personal story as well.
Within your own communities and within your own schools, we talk about what they're doing and where you recognize it in many schools. What are some of the best practices that are being done? Within your own schools, do you feel comfortable that the resources are there for the young women who have been part of the violence? Do you believe that the education for young men, who are now going off to school for the first time and leaving their parents who have always set the rules for them, is adequate? Sometimes, I think, it may also be a situation where there are no rules, so all of a sudden they start drinking more, and they start doing things that they usually wouldn't do that are sometimes extremely inappropriate. Is there that education for them, and are there the resources for young women and men?
Bilan, perhaps you could start.