I'm on PROC. Normally there is a tradition that if there are motions passed at PROC, those motions are then considered for other committees, because PROC is seen as a bit of a lead committee when it comes to those things. The motion here actually went through months of parties talking to one another and negotiating to come up with the proper wording. I know the clerk and others were consulted to make sure that the wording met the intentions. This was a long discussion in PROC.
My question to Madam Moore was, if they were deleting something.... So it wasn't the same motion. It seems the only thing we've deleted is something that only falls under the responsibility of PROC, which would be anything to do with code of conduct or sexual harassment or privilege. Those things are automatically referred to PROC. Because our committee does not deal with that issue, we wouldn't need to do it. The rest of the motion would be similar, but it's up to our committee to decide if we want to pass the same motion as PROC or not. I, for one, am in favour of that.