We have three broad priorities. First, are services which include shelters and services for women. I have to talk about child sexual abuse. We have recommendations for community services for children who experience or witness violence and for adult survivors of child sexual abuse. We also need interventions for children currently being sexually abused. There is the need for counselling for abusers, so again, engaging with men and boys. And we need healing centres.
Our second thematic area is education, training, awareness, and capacity building. This means ongoing outreach, violence prevention awareness, and education efforts. Building community capacity, as I mentioned previously, is part of this. Another is equitable and adequate resources for an enhanced and sustained violence prevention strategy, including targeted interventions and strategies for youth.
We know that more than 50% of the Inuit population is aged 25 or under. That's a unique demographic with clear current and future public policy implications, and urgent priorities that have to be addressed, or they will only get exponentially worse.
Our third area is housing and recognizing that the big infrastructure of bricks and mortar construction is beyond our scope and belongs within other jurisdictions. It is part of our strategic plan.
Those are our three primary areas of focus and suggested actions.