Thank you. I just want to make a couple of quick comments with regard to my colleagues over here.
I would agree with the notion that we can start a study sooner rather than later. We have the mandate letter that was given to the minister outlining the things to which she's been been asked to give priority, so I believe it might be in the best interests of this committee to pick one of those items for us to also prioritize.
Again, I just feel that it is in the best interests of this committee to be of benefit to the overall national picture, rather than studying something that is perhaps in left field. I think that could gain some traction.
With that, I would put on the floor the proposal that we study something within this realm of violence against women. I would take Pam's suggestion with regard to broadening it beyond just social media and cyberbullying. We would want to make sure that we're not stepping on toes with regard to this other committee that's being formed, but we could take a complementary role.
I'm going to be a little bit bold right now. I'm wondering if, as a committee, we could come to some sort of consensus with regard to studying this topic, and then at another meeting define specifically what within that topic we would talk about. Could we get it that narrow today? Perhaps that's too bold.