They include sexual trafficking through online websites; female entrepreneurs; murdered and missing indigenous women, including a review of the estimates and the results, because the department is actually doing the inquiry, so we have a role to watch what they do and watch their estimates and make sure they're getting the results we want; gender-based analysis at the federal level; sexual harassment in the military or other government areas or Canada Post; women on corporate boards and in leadership positions; access to the justice system for women in Canada; female appointees to federal boards; housing for women in Canada and domestic violence shelter funding; and a gender-based violence action plan, because the federal program is going on and we have the ability to look at their estimates and their results and make sure they're covering it adequately, or we could do anything that they're not doing.
They also include gender and economic security; any pay equity issues not covered by the pay equity special committee; initiatives for young women and girls; gender-based violence issues not covered by the federal program, such as intimate partner violence or child sexual abuse; increasing the number of women in non-traditional roles, such as pipefitters and engineers; improved justice system approaches to violence against women, which is in regard to the idea that today the abuser gets to stay in the house and the women have to go to the shelters; issues impacting indigenous women and girls; female refugees and their issues; increasing the number of women entrepreneurs, which is a duplicate; and preventing Internet posting of pictures of girls, which takes us to this one.