You're out of time.
Actually, we're out of time, because the minister has been gracious enough to give us an hour.
I appreciate it very much and I appreciate your great answers to the questions.
Here's what I would suggest to the members. The estimates were sent out late yesterday, I think, so you may not have had a chance to look at them. We didn't want to rush through those estimates of what the Status of Women committee will have from a supplementary budget point of view. We will arrange a time for the minister to come back, and we can ask questions about the estimates at that time.
Thank you again for coming, Minister. I will invite you to depart so that we can finish the last part of our meeting.
I'm hoping that you can all stay for a few extra minutes to see if there's anything we want to add to the list of things this committee would like to look at. We'll go in camera for that portion.