We sit in a circle and we just talk to them. It's not rocket science. It's relationship stuff, parenting stuff, not rocket science. It's just about being real with them and challenging them. The other men in the group, because there's such a mix of experience and buy-in into the program, will do it with each other. Sometimes our best groups are when we sit back and watch these men do it with each other. It's beautiful.
We do some flip charts for those who are visual. We do some talks. When we talk about parenting, I have specific handouts for them to take home. We don't have a lot of written material on the main program, again because of staffing issues. It has always been an issue.
Given the workload with the pro-arrest policies and all the different laws that have changed, and the high-risk cases and case conferencing, each case is more complex and a lot more work. The staff stays the same, but our numbers keep growing. Our focus is on working with the men, and the young men as much as possible.