We do it much like we choose our football team. We select the guys. We know the guys on our team who would be interested, who have the right character, and who would also have the ability and the availability to do this. It is work for them. It is absolutely work for them.
We give them an honorarium if we're asking them to be involved in a program on a long-term basis. We make sure that we give them a little something to thank them for their work. With some of these trips, they're gone for four or five days from their families. They're visiting eight different schools, up in Prince Rupert or what have you. We certainly select them, and we train them.
Thank goodness for the Ending Violence Association. They're really our leaders in terms of the messaging and the issues and all those things. We went through three eight-hour days of training with Jackson Katz. It wasn't something that we just took a half an hour to talk about and then went out and did it. We are invested in it. It's from the leadership down. Our owner, our president, vice-president, have all gone through gender violence training. We are invested as an organization.