I hope all of you submit all of your recommendations in writing to the clerk. There was a lot to take in and process in a very short amount of time. I thank you for your concise submissions.
I'm struck first and foremost by the importance of independence. I'm picking it up as a theme, whether it's independence from street harassment, not having a safety plan, or independence from poverty. Whether you're a vulnerable person, maybe with a disability, a refugee, or an immigrant, it seems to me there's a theme of independence. As a six-foot, seven-inch, white, North American male, I've never really had to think about that when I'm walking through the streets at night.
Ms. Harper, we're trying to make recommendations to the government that we hope will be adopted. I know you hit on poverty as one source of the lack of independence that really is an increased risk factor. Could you describe how we could make a recommendation that would best help overcome this systemic barrier?