Thank you.
As a starting point, and with the things Bonnie has spoken about in terms of the needs of her client base, it's just addressing the basic vulnerability on a systemic level of women, full stop, whether they have ABI, whether they're coming from homelessness, or whether they're coming from intact families and looking around the world at how they are perceived and how they are addressed.
Very specifically, it's looking at training and raising awareness of people who are making the decisions. It's looking at judiciary training for judges across the supreme courts and making sure they have a fulsome understanding of domestic violence and the impacts of vulnerability and sexual exploitation. In Ontario, through the Ministry of the Attorney General, we need dedicated crown attorneys who will prosecute and have a really good understanding of what the issues are with the trauma these young women are enduring, and what criminal sentences will really mean in setting a precedent for that. Then there are police forces in terms of law enforcement.
There's a very large scale in terms of education. Ontario has just recently adapted a different sex education curriculum to include the notion of gender, inequality, vulnerabilities, and all those types of things. We need that larger systemic approach and then have it trickle down to the smaller units.