Thank you very much for your question.
The federal government, as you know, is very committed to this initiative of gender equality. One of the things we can actually measure our commitment by is how we spend our money. To do a gender-based analysis on our budget is something that not very many governments do. It's kind of a unique thing. It certainly is something that will give us a very good indication in terms of the gender implications of how we're allotting the money that we spend as a country.
This is the first budget ever in which we will publish the results of this analysis. It's a very important step. It certainly will further the strong signal we are giving to departments that they need to consider the implications of gender when they're planning their programs, spending their money, and making decisions on behalf of Canadians, including Canadian women and girls.
I'm very proud of Finance Canada, which has made this commitment. They're leading on the commitment, so it will be happening under its portfolio. We are currently supporting Finance in any way that they need, to make sure they have the tools and the resources they need.
We will also be working closely with the OECD to learn from other countries that are practising gender-based budgeting, to see what we can import into Canada as we begin this very important step.