I'll tell you how the money is broken down.
As you know, the government is not actually in the business of core operating funds, and I'm sure that you have heard, as I have, pleas for support at the grassroots level for core operating funds. As a matter of fact, when I ran a homeless shelter, I could certainly have used an extra half a million dollars, from any level of government that could have provided it, for core operating funds.
However, that is not the role of the federal government, and it's certainly not the role of Status of Women to provide operating funds. The funds that we spend, though, support that kind of work at the community level. We support provinces and municipalities with the structure and the framework, if you will, to enhance what they're offering at the ground level.
How we've broken down the additional $4.2 million is, first of all, there's $1.9 million to expand our regional presence, for a dedicated research evaluation unit, and to produce more meaningful and informed gender-based analysis. Then $2.3 million is for ministerial support and Status of Women Canada internal services, and $27,000 was also transferred to Global Affairs Canada to support the business women's trade mission.