That motion carries.
We will now welcome back our witnesses joining us by video conference. On behalf of all members of the committee, I want to thank you for your patience and understanding and for returning to us with information for our study on violence against young women and girls.
We have, from the Government of Ontario, Maureen Adamson, deputy minister responsible for women's issues, Ontario Women's Directorate, and Lisa Priest, assistant deputy minister, Ontario Women's Directorate.
We also have, from the Government of New Brunswick, coming to us from Fredericton, Jocelyne Mills, assistant deputy minister, Executive Council Office, women's equality branch, and Martine Stewart, director, violence prevention and community partnerships unit, Executive Council Office.
I understand that we are later going to be joined by Tessa Hill, who gave us her presentation previously on We Give Consent, but we'll start with the Government of Ontario for 10 minutes.