Thank you.
One of the things I want to follow up on, Dr. Robinson, is that you mentioned “champions”, as in the champions of technology. You're probably well aware of adoption theories for taking and incorporating technology. The early adopters are the ones who are always rewarded, particularly in education. Those who hang back and ask why or what's in it for them are seen as the resisters. Thank you for that.
Marshall McLuhan is well-known for coining “the medium is the message”. Listening to the presentations today, I was certainly reminded of that. For example, how a communication is conveyed can be more important than its content. In so much of what we've heard regarding cyber-bullying, we have anonymous abusers. I think the system of the algorithms themselves, from what I've learned today, sets up the system for, as Ms. Charette mentioned, targeted marketing. In many respects, it almost creates a environment for targeted victims. Would either one of you agree?