Thank you very much.
Members of the committee, thank you for inviting Google to contribute to this very important study.
My name is Lauren Skelly. I am the senior policy analyst for Google Canada.
I'm joined today by two colleagues: Jason Kee, public policy counsel for Google Canada, and Malika Saada Saar who, thanks to technology, is able to join us today from Washington, D.C., via video conference.
Malika is Google's senior counsel on civil and human rights. Before joining Google, Malika was co-founder and executive director of the human rights project for girls Rights4Girls, a human rights organization focused on gender-based violence against young women and girls in the United States. Today, at Google, Malika provides strategic leadership on critical civil and human rights issues that may impact the company, its users, and the digital world in which we operate.
With that, I will ask Malika to take the lead on Google's remarks to the committee. We look forward to your questions.