Excellent. Very good.
I just want to thank Richard and Nancy for coming. You were excellent with your answers. Obviously, you know very well the work that was done, and I see around the table an appetite to do some follow-up. I appreciate your input, and we know where you are if we need to call you back in the future. Thank you.
Now we're going to proceed to just a little bit of committee business that may help us with figuring out how to move forward with what we've just heard. I wanted to give you an update based on the steering committee. Remember after last week's, or was it Tuesday's meeting—it seems longer, doesn't it?—the steering committee met, and one of the decisions that was taken was that if reports or motions are to be sent out, we want to abide by the 48-hour rule in order for people to be able to have adequate time for review. Whenever there's a motion that's going to require a vote, we should make sure we send that out 48 hours in advance so that people can have time to think about it and come back. The only exception to that was the parliamentary library analyst reports, which go in 24 hours.
The clerk has a question. If witnesses send documents less than 48 hours before the meeting, is it okay for us to still have them on the agenda? That's okay? Okay, very good.
Then the second thing was we talked about whether or not to be in the—