I think comply or explain is that middle point. It's saying that we're putting this on the table in front of you and on the agenda, but we're letting you pick your own targets. We're letting you deal with diversity in your own time schedule. If you're a mining company and you're nowhere on diversity, we're going to let you pick that schedule. However, if companies continue to do nothing, we're kind of forced to do something, because if they're just going to do nothing, then we do have to look at it.
That's the changing tone, I will tell you, because when we first started this dialogue around comply or explain three and a half years ago, the idea of quotas was abhorrent, and now I keep hearing the word “quotas” more and more often. Corporate Canada does not want to go the way of quotas, I promise you that. There is no question about that, but I do think there are interim steps between that and where we're at today. If we don't see any uptake on comply or explain and if people aren't adopting policies and they're not setting targets for themselves, we need to encourage them in some way to do that. Is it that you say to them that they have to have a policy or that they have to have a target? Those types of interim points between where we are today and a quota are good ways to sort of push things forward.
The other thing about the gender wage gap and gender representation is that many countries are saying—generally for larger companies, because there's an expense associated with it—that they have to disclose the gender numbers at different levels and the gender wage gap at different levels. We're seeing a lot of tech companies in the U.S., such as Salesforce, actually taking it upon themselves to do this. That's another mechanism the government has to expose it, because the gender wage gap is a good proxy for where we're at in terms of women in leadership in the corporate world.
Those are a few different ways you can get at that.