I appreciate the need for certainty.
Ms. Reynolds, I want to hit a couple of issues with you.
One of the words that you used that jumped out at me when you were talking about board representation was “perspective”. I know that at home when I was a kid, when people talked about diversity, we thought they were talking about Protestants, and when I come to Ottawa now, the room isn't filled with people who look like me, and it's great, and it changes the conversation that we have dramatically.
One of the things you talked about the federal government being able to do was to introduce some sort of transparency. You mentioned the Lord Davies initiative they had in the U.K. Should this be a legislative requirement for transparency that we should sort of foist upon the private sector and say, “This is going to lead to great social outcomes, so we're going to require by law that you do it,” or is there a better mechanism that we could introduce?