That is something that people have struggled with for a long time. The barriers are enormous in the universities. Part of it has to do with research funding. It's often presented as though it is because women are selecting to do things in which they're going to earn the least and have the hardest time getting jobs. That isn't what is happening, and there are inroads by brave people in areas that are dominated by men.
This is where public policy can really make a difference. I use the example of the Canada research chairs, because the target is 30%, and they're not even meeting it. That's very low compared to the number of women who have Ph.D.s. It's the kind of thing that can be worked at from the top. You need to work at both the top and the bottom on these issues. Even in the skills trades, women can do these and are happy to do them. They just can't get jobs when they do them.