I would echo that and just add that having a strong system of employment standards in the Canada Labour Code is really important for setting a floor. Often there's an idea that we can just go in individually and bargain with our employer or tell them how different work practices are affecting us.
I have two teenage kids.
Actually, my son turned 20 yesterday, so I have to stop saying that. I have one teenager and one 20-year-old.
They had an experience, over their summer jobs, of absolutely well-meaning employers whose idea of flexibility was all on their side. When you get a text at 7 a.m. saying, “Your shift at 2 p.m. is now at 10 a.m.”, and you had plans to work around that.... That was a reality for them.
So it's getting full-time hours and having standards there for you, and not only looking to the individual to make those things real.