My number one, let's see....
Many of the motions I put forward are complementary to what Pam has put forward. I totally support a discussion of hypersexuality. I think it's very important. I also support a discussion of violence against women, of course. That's the umbrella of the entire study. I support all of that motion.
I'm trying to look for something somewhat different. One thing I find that is very important is housing for women in Canada, and domestic violence and shelter funding. The minister's mandate states:
...that no one fleeing domestic violence is left without a place to turn by growing and maintaining Canada’s network of shelters and transition houses.
This is also in the 2015 report of the status of women's committee entitled “Promising Practices to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls”.
I move:
That the committee undertake a study on housing for girls and women in Canada, including its relationship to domestic violence in the lives of women and girls, and the need for better shelter funding in order to provide for women and girls who are suffering from domestic violence; and that the committee report its findings to the House.