I learned a lot at university. I have been privileged to have the opportunity to advance as far as I have in my studies. Feminism has taught me that, even though a woman may manage to pursue her studies and achieve higher education, she should not think other women would have just as easy of a time. It is also important for a woman not to push her oppression onto other women. If I had needed to ask immigrant Filipino women to look after my children so that I could do my studies, I would be transferring my oppression to other women. I really believe it's important to take those things into account.
In addition, men have to be part of the solution. Not only should they help women take their rightful place, but they should also make room for women, so that everyone can access positions of power and leadership. Those with the privileges need to understand that others can have privileges as well. Relinquishing their privileges does not necessarily lead to oppression.