It would be helpful if we could get the exact name of the data and the study you are referencing in your question.
Statistics Canada does a lot of work. We're working with them right now on questions related to gender-based violence, for example. They do a lot of work to field those kinds of questions and in how they are defined in the various surveys and data collection tools they develop.
You have raised a good point. Of course, Status of Women considers child care a critical tool to address the wage gap. This government has just invested fairly heavily in child care. We understand in our analysis that more women would likely enter the workforce if they had more choice around child care, so your line of questioning is very much in line with the kind of analysis and policy advice that Status of Women provides to various federal departments, but on this precise question on a data collection tool of Statistics Canada, it's certainly something we could come back to that department on and have a discussion about.