In both of those areas—unpaid and precarious work, and access to child care—given that people are accessing the document, we want to make sure StatsCan is actually asking the questions relevant to the issues that face women today.
Turning to a different area, on the national inquiry into murdered and missing indigenous women and girls, we know that the minister is, within her mandate letter, responsible for tracking progress on the inquiry. We've been hearing quite a bit from concerned women's organizations and human rights organizations. Particularly, they've been asking for the legal path document that's been promised to be released in order to address some of the confusion around the inquiry process. They're asking for clarity also about what happens with family members with missing loved ones who want to speak to the inquiry.
Can you talk with us a little bit about the oversight process and what you're doing to address some of those constituent concerns? I know this is an independent inquiry, but ultimately it is the government, so we're looking for leadership here.