Well, there are a number of factors, but, yes, not only are a number of the judicial action committees not constituted or took a long time to be constituted, but there is also a lack of judges appointed. Yes, we've seen a number of cases dismissed for very serious issues and, obviously, that's a big concern for people who are seeking justice in the courts.
To the point that everyone wants to see this happen, we just had a slate of people appointed, and did they all take training? I don't know. The good will is wonderful, but we need to get this done so that it's clear that everyone gets the training. These are different kind of cases. The reality is that the kind of trauma that women and men go through in dealing with sexual assault and sexual abuse lasts a lifetime, and the least we can expect is that when people go to court, they will be in front of a judge who has adequate training and who especially understands the stereotypes and the mythology around these issues.