In our consultation process we saw there was a huge lack of data and lack of continuity of data because of the census' being discontinued. When we were gathering our data we had to jump among different forms of data, which aren't always comparable. I applaud the census' being established again. We need that information and data.
We have to have employer data. I know that we're looking at a pay equity act nationally. That act really should involve the gathering of data. There should be a requirement within that process that employment and wage data be gathered and shared. Even though I know that the information is already being gathered.... We talked about this as well, that Revenue Canada gathers much of that employment and wage data, but it's not necessarily shared, or there's no access to it. To be able to use it in a meaningful way, we have to have that.
I would say that an easy fix whenever programs and projects are funded would be that there be a data-gathering component to them.