In a very broad sense, given that it's not specifically in my mandate to influence public transit, but certainly I am very vocal about the need for supports that will move marginalized populations, for example, men who are living in precarious ways—whether or not they've been perpetrators—and that will enhance efficacy of communities.
That's something I am passionate about. In fact, I think the more we can support vulnerable populations, the more we have better outcomes, economically and socially, in our country.
More specifically, the work I've been doing with Minister Sohi and Minister Duclos is around that mandated piece in my mandate that speaks to enhancing women's shelters and transitional homes and making sure we have access for women who are fleeing domestic violence.
You raise an excellent point and it echoes what I've responded to in other questions. In order for us to make movement on things like gender-based violence, we have to support the wellness of the entire community. I thank you for noticing that.