I think there are a couple of things that are different.
One thing is that right now we're planning on using our existing resources, but I think we're planning on doing this a little differently. We have incredibly strong leadership on this issue. There is an expectation from our Prime Minister that cabinet ministers work with me on ensuring that GBA occurs. There's a climate now around gender equality, and you may have felt this in your own work. This isn't going away. This isn't a flash in the pan. This isn't something we add on as a nicety at the end. This is a mandate, and it's interwoven in my mandate that I must work with all of my colleagues. Right now we're working out the accountability frameworks as a government so we can come back to you and show you the outcome measures that we'll be monitoring and be accountable for to you and to Canadians in terms of those mandate letters. Those mandate letters are public, and that's another significant feature that I think will drive momentum. Ministers know they're accountable for producing quality work that reflects gender-based analysis. I think a big part of a commitment to equality is setting the tone and the leadership that needs to happen in order to do this.
Right now we are looking at our resources. We don't want to be under-resourced. We're anticipating a greater demand because there's a greater demand from our Prime Minister that this happens. We will evaluate as we go along to see if we have adequate resources. At this point we're going to work with what we have.